Shipping costs
Shipping costs are determined by the number of cartons. At this time we are only shipping within Austria as well as Germany.
Austria and Germany
6 bottles: 6,00 €
12 bottles or more: free shipping
Shipping costs are determined by the number of cartons. At this time we are only shipping within Austria as well as Germany.
Austria and Germany
6 bottles: 6,00 €
12 bottles or more: free shipping
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Our wine assortment covers almost all Styrian wine varieties - from the Styrian classic Welschriesling to the Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Gelber Muskateller, Chardonnay and regional specialities like the Traminer. When it comes to red wine, Blauer Zweigelt takes the leading role, followed by St. Laurent and Syrah.
Our greatest wealth is the region in which we live due it its particular soils and climatic conditions. We have the unique potential to produce wines with a distinct typicity, which is reflected in our classic wines..
At our top vineyard in Aunberg, grapes are harvested with particularly high maturity. The Aunberg wines are shaped by the special characteristics of the vineyard.
Our consistent pursuit of the highest quality is appreciated by our many regular customers. While sales at the winery are very important to us so we can personally interact with our customers, our wines are also offered in restaurants as well as selective wine shops.
We are at your service.
There are no sales on Sundays and public holidays.
Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022 ist Bauernbundball-Wein 2025!
Ausgezeichnet und auserwählt! Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022 konnte sich in einer Verkostungskommission durchsetzen und wird beim großen Bauernbundball in Graz ausgeschenkt. Bei 16.000 Gästen sind wir stolz, mit unserem Wein ein Teil dieses besonderen Abends zu sein.
Wir stoßen an – auf Genuss & Tradition! #Bauernbundball #Genussmoment