Shipping costs

Shipping costs are determined by the number of cartons. At this time we are only shipping within Austria as well as Germany.

Austria and Germany
6 bottles: 6,00 €
12 bottles or more: free shipping



It Tastes Better When We Are Together

Our Partners

TAU - Verwurzelt in Tieschen

TAU - Verwurzelt in Tieschen

12 Winemakers - 1 Vision - Whether in Aunberg or Königsberg, Patzenberg or Pum, the entire stone valley is filled with wonderful landscapes and wine experiences. The simple notion of the people going to great lengths for their home and their land are what make this region so worthwhile.

Marktgemeine Steirischer Wein

Marktgemeine Steirischer Wein

The Styrians have recently made an international name for themselves with their light, dry wines. No other wine region in Europe cultivates so many types of wine. These wines have special character: fruity like ripe grapes, fragrant due to low alcohol content and dry without overpowering sweetness.

Steirischer Junker

Steirischer Junker

Behind the name "Steirischer Junker" is a brand of wine from Styria. More than 300 winegrowers have been producing this young wine every autumn since 1995. These winemakers follow the strict quality criteria of the Styrian wine market community, an umbrella group of a marketing organization in which all significant winemaking companies are voluntary members.

Winzer Vulkanland Steiermark

Winzer Vulkanland Steiermark

More than 60 winemakers in southeast Styria founded this association to further the development of the winegrowing region. Its focus is on increasing quality, sustainability in relation to nature, exchanging knowledge and experience among winemakers and developing an independent profile of the winegrowing region.

Steirisches Vulkanland

Steirisches Vulkanland

79 municipalities form the Styrian volcanic region in southeastern Austria. This unique cooperation is the bearer of a grand vision. What began in the small region of Feldbach is now a region on the rise to uniqueness. The volcanic region is the winner of the European Village Renewal Prize. Widespread civic involvement and a special quality of life characterise this region shaped by volcanoes.

News from the Winery

Sieger Ballweinverkostung 2025

Sieger Ballweinverkostung 2025

Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022  ist Bauernbundball-Wein 2025!

Ausgezeichnet und auserwählt! Unser Chardonnay Ried Aunberg Privat 2022 konnte sich in einer Verkostungskommission durchsetzen und wird beim großen Bauernbundball in Graz ausgeschenkt. Bei 16.000 Gästen sind wir stolz, mit unserem Wein ein Teil dieses besonderen Abends zu sein.

Wir stoßen an – auf Genuss & Tradition!  #Bauernbundball #Genussmoment

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1. Platz bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy

1. Platz bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy

Unser Sauvignon blanc Tieschen 2022 konnte bei der Falstaff Sauvignon Blanc Steiermark Trophy überzeugen und holte sich den 1. Platz.
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Landessieger mit Grauburgunder 2022

Landessieger mit Grauburgunder 2022

Wir sind Landessieger!
Mit unserem Grauburgunder DAC 2022
holten wir die begehrte Trophäe.
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